Alcohol in Vietnam


What a vacation without alcohol, especially when supermarkets in Vietnam offer such a wide selection of alcoholic beverages. I wonder what is the difference between Vietnamese alcohol and a domestic product?

Tips and prices for alcohol in Vietnam

First of all, it is worth noting: the choice of strong drinks in this Asian country is practically no different from what is presented on the shelves of Russian supermarkets and other retail outlets. You can see the products of both domestic and foreign manufacturers, but the prices are different everywhere. However, we are no stranger to the fact that in places where foreign tourists congregate, sellers always "wind up" prices a little. In general, the cost of alcoholic beverages is very reasonable.

If you do not want to run into a fake and, accordingly, do not want to risk your own health, bypass the street alcohol vendors. It is they who most often sell dubious alcoholic beverages to visitors under the guise of well-known brands. Moreover, some forgeries are made so skillfully that few can distinguish them from the original. Although, for the sake of fairness, we note that even in the market or on the street there are honest traders who distribute high-quality alcoholic products. Of course, no one is safe from the fact that a fake can be slipped in the store. But it is much easier to prove your case here. The main thing is not to forget to take a check, which in case of an unpleasant situation will act as the main proof.

It will not be superfluous to note that the cost of alcoholic beverages in Vietnam is unstable. You can buy the same products in different places at completely different prices. If in stores the cost is always fixed and does not change from day to day, then in the market and from street vendors you can buy beer or vodka at completely different prices. As a rule, street vendors are ordinary resellers. For example, if a can of beer in a supermarket costs $ 0.38, then you can buy the same product on the market for $ 0.5-1.

Where to buy

If you want to buy good wine, head to the area where the grapes are grown. It is best if you buy this drink in Dalat. There is always a large selection, low prices and a lower risk of running into a fake. For lovers of drinks with a higher degree, a visit to Hanoi, where the largest concentration of producers of high-quality alcoholic beverages is located, is more suitable. Prices and a wide assortment will pleasantly surprise you, and the risk of buying low-quality products is minimized. You can buy good strong products in Nha Trang.

Assortment of alcohol in Vietnam


The selection of alcoholic beverages is impressive. The most popular product is beer. This drink is loved all over the world, and Vietnam is no exception. Of course, the locally produced intoxicating drink cannot boast of high quality, but there is still plenty to choose from. The most popular drink in this segment is Saigon green beer. It is this beer that most of all resembles its Russian counterpart, although our product even loses in taste. The main advantage of this beer is its refreshing effect, which fits perfectly into the hot climate of Vietnam.

The assortment of beer is really rich. Here you can find canned beer with a distinctive 'Day Viet' flavor. It is better to choose a dark drink that tastes better and is easy to drink. The average cost of a can is $ 0.4-0.6. You can even find draft Czech beer! But it will be a few cents more expensive.


Local supermarkets offer a good selection of wines. But be careful: the cheaper the wine, the more disgusting it tastes! Local producers do not "bother" with technology and add not only grapes to it, but also fruits growing everywhere. So there is no need to expect a special bouquet of taste that is found in Georgian wines.

Vodka and rum

Vietnamese alcohol producers are ready to please visitors with the specific taste of more strong drinks. The most popular high-alcohol products are Vietnamese vodka and rum. Good brands of vodka include: "Lua Moi" and "Wirfranco Special Quality", for a bottle of which you will have to pay from 4 to 5.6 dollars. For rum lovers, we can recommend Tondena presented by two types of rum, as well as two types of Chauvet rum (light can only be used for making cocktails).

As you can see, alcohol in Vietnam is represented not only by a wide range. Newcomers can easily fall prey to cunning surrogate sellers, and for those who understand, Vietnam has prepared a good set of locally produced alcohol.


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